Monday, April 27, 2020

Exposure Therapy

High risk of exposure to the coronavirus may also cause high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. One such individual, a nurse, provided the following insight into a typical day in an intensive care unit:

I have worked the COVID ICU for several weeks now. Here is what I have seen so far. I start my shift changing into hospital scrubs and getting my assigned PPE for the day. When you enter the ICU, all patient room doors are closed and each patient is alone in their room. The patients are all on ventilators. Because they are on ventilators, they cannot speak. Under normal circumstances, patients in the ICU can develop delirium from sensory alterations and medications used for sedation. In this delirious state, patients are at risk of injury that can result in their death. This risk is elevated by the fact that it takes me several minutes to put on all my PPE before I can come to their rescue. If a patient accidently pulled out their breathing tube, we might not be able to put it back in before they die. Because of this safety concern, all patients on a ventilator are restrained. Yes, we tie you to the bed. We don't want to do this, but if you accidently dislodge your breathing tube, it could be game over for you. My patients are so sick with this virus that our usual treatment protocols to get your oxygen level up aren't working. When this happens, we chemically paralyze you. Why? Because muscles use oxygen. If we paralyze you, you need less oxygen. When that fails, we put you on a heart lung bypass machine.
 So let's paint the picture so far... You are alone... No family, no friends. You have a rigid tube down your throat into your lungs. You cannot speak. You cannot eat. You are sedated and delirious. You are tied down and possibly paralyzed. You will have a feeding tube inserted in either your nose or mouth. You will have a urinary catheter. Many patients have persistent diarrhea and will need a rectal tube. If you have a fever, which most do, we may need to use an ice cold blanket to cool your body down to a safe level.
 Now imagine, this is your new reality for weeks. Yes, weeks. We are seeing patients on the ventilator for 2-3 weeks. Imagine this is your reality for the same amount of time we have had stay at home orders. After you fight for several weeks on a ventilator, your chance of survival is less than 20%. If you have diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic renal impairment, or liver disease, your chances go down significantly
Exposure to sources of anxiety also happens to be a form of therapy. It is a technique used to treat anxiety disorders. It is tempting to imagine whether or not that work in this case. It is more tempting to conclude that no one wins, that there is no way out.

My mentor once told me that he once faced his fear of the dark by sitting in his basement, with no lights on, until he was no longer afraid. I confess that I have taken this method to extreme lengths in my life, but I have never taken a job where it is part of the daily routine. At most, I can only respect those who are doing it right now, because I know I could not do it myself.

Anxiety is my pre-existing condition, along with bipolar disorder. These conditions have often been confused with momentary setbacks. In the era of the coronavirus, each day is now filled with symptoms that are so familiar, aren't they? Self-care is vital for all, but what about those of us who have been working hard at it, in therapy. Are we at high risk? Or are we in a rare position of leadership? We know the answer.

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