Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Last post, I wrote about being homeward bound and the re-entry process. The natural progression at this point in time seems to be about re-discovery. That means, I guess, that as I re-enter the atmosphere and head for Earth, I realize I've been here before. I recognize people, places and things. Oh, and relax, this is all a metaphor. Apparently, not everyone speaks that language.

The language of survival is clear and concise. You have to get to the point when you need help.

Rediscovery will lead to rebuilding. Can you tell I'm in therapy? For three months and counting, I have been coming out of this tunnel of doom and climbing out...shit, metaphors again. Um, uh....

Let's try again. I spent my birthday in the hospital. I was released on Christmas. Someone passed away while I was in that hospital. He was a 911 survivor and a hero. The last thing he said to me was that he was glad I was with him because he knew I would catch him if he fell.

Cops rubbed shoulders with individuals they were accustomed to seeing on the other side of a set of bars. A war hero was interested in what I knew about comic books. After a year of film school and a string of failed attempts to seek opportunities in New York City, a big, fat juicy "connection" was dropped into my life, a literal captive audience, and I learned that the value of a friend is worth more than any ambition I may have. OK, I admit, this sounds more like discovery than re-discovery. What have I re-discovered?

Did you know that your're supposed to....

...make things easier on yourself?
...take your time?
...go easy on yourself?
...find the one who will go through hell for you and never let her go?
...face all life has to offer on Earth, with your fellow human beings, rather than from a safe distance?
...live life one day at a time? Before it ceases to be a choice?
...be here now?

Did you know that...

...you can write about this stuff until you're blue in the face, still not know what you're talking about and have to learn it all over again once you've been forced out of your head in order to survive? (The above link leads to a post I wrote five years ago)
...you can do what you want to do? In living color?
...we're one but not the same?
...we get to carry each other?
...love is a temple?
...love's a higher law?
...what you don't have, you don't need it now?
...what you don't know, you can feel it somehow?
...it's a beautiful day?

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